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Frankie Stein
17 mai 20219 min de lecture
On New York Film Festival : "Filmmaker in the Spotlight: An Interview with Gazanfer Biricik"
Gazanfer Biricik an interview to the magazine of New York Film Festival in the USA the 18th of May 2021. He talks about everything people...
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Sandra Sivil
7 mai 20211 min de lecture
🇺🇸 What about KATRINA's script on Festivals ?
Paris, the 7th Mai 2021 Katrina written by Gazanfer Biricik & translated by Dorothée C. Dorwood is now growing. A little reminder needs...
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Gazbi Owrah
20 févr. 20212 min de lecture
🇺🇸 KATRINA selected at 19th UMFF !
Gazanfer Biricik is very honored, now he hopes to reach the next step ! Thank you USA 🇺🇸 !

Sandra Sivil
19 déc. 20201 min de lecture
🇺🇸 KATRINA semi-finalist at 13th IMFF in Iran !
KATRINA semi-finalist at 13th IMFF (International Moving Film Festival) ! 🇺🇸 🎉 Great News from Iran for the script Short Katrina...

Chloé Bilberg
28 sept. 20201 min de lecture
Great Zoom Meeting Yesterday at Urban Mediamakers Film Festival with Cheryle Moses & Redelia Shaw !
Like all UMFF meetings yesterday also was huge & great. Cheryle Moses, was as usual on top, with a great and beautiful energy, with a...

Tanecik Allen
2 janv. 20202 min de lecture
🇫🇷 KATRINA c'est le prochain court-métrage de Gazanfer BIRICIK
Recherche de fonds pour le nouveau projet de court-métrage de Gazanfer BIRICIK.

Tanecik Allen
2 janv. 20202 min de lecture
🇺🇸 KATRINA is the new short of Gazanfer BIRICIK
It's done, Gazanfer BIRICIK is working on a new short "KATRINA". This short is committed as the last one "GAB" who w
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