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🇺🇸 GAB directed by Gazanfer BIRICIK Awarded at Cannes!

The Short GAB directed by Gazanfer BIRICIK in 2018 & produced by La Vie Parigo, where he talks about terrorism, has been awarded in Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes !

We ask him what he think about this award ? Gazanfer words are : " It's always a big pleasure and a great honor to receive an award for your work it helps you to perform yourself in your passion. To win an award in Cannes it's always amazing, I am very satisfied. Thanks again to Cannes !"

GAB has been awarded as Honorable Mention in Best Short category in 2018 at Cannes. The short talks about about Gabriel who impose himself in an interview in a bar in Pigalle in Paris. It's during this exchange that everything will change for Ani the Journalist.

We wish Gazanfer BIRICIK to get more awards !!!

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