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🇺🇸 GAB semi finalist at San Diego International Jewish Film Festival.

GAB directed by Gazanfer BIRICIK reached the semi-finalist step at San Diego International Jewish Film Festival. One of the most famous Event of the USA honored GAB to be evaluated as one of the best short of the festival. Maybe GAB has not been screened which need to reach finalist step but it's a great honored and a pleasure to be considered by one of the best event of USA in 2019

GAB has know to be included in the good festivals in the world. Bu Sand Diego is really an exceptional step !

Hopping the better for the next events, Gazanfer BIRICIK is one of the most excited of this news in our team.

Waiting for the next event !

Copy of the screen as semi-finalist send by e-mail by the San Diego International Jewish Film Festival :

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Capture d’écran 2020-04-20 à 23.46.00.
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